The african wild dogs are one of the most effective predators in Africa, but they don´t have too much strength, so it takes them a lot of time to kill their preys. That means that frecuently they start eating them meanwhile the prey is still alive.
Wild dogs are seriously threatened in all africa.
Wild dogs
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Incredible footage, lion male ambush and attacks a cape buffalo herd ALONE. Unusual, because the lions usually prefer to work in a pack; but this lion male doesn´t even wait for his brother, that appears at the end of the video to share the meat of the buffalo.
Jackal nipping a brown hyena heels… really a brave guy… the hyena is a predator five times his size… definitely a brave jackal.
The brown hyena is a solitary predator that usually doesn´t walk around on daylight, so this is a really unusual video.
Jackals are really efective predator, and they can kill preys much bigger than their size. They kill any baby livestock, and many antelopes.
Black Backed Jackal
Este bravo chacal de lomo negro, mordisquea las patas traseras de la hiena marron, un depredador que tiene cinco veces su tamaño. Sin duda un chacal realmente valiente.
Chacal de lomo negro
La hiena marron es un depredador solitario, fundamentalmente nocturno; es por esto que estas imagenes a plena luz del dia no son nada frecuentes.
El chacal de lomo negro inicia su ronda de caza con la ultima luz de la tarde, y por ello suele estar mucho mas activo en la noche. Es un depredador importante que caza presas de mucho mayor tamaño que el mismo. Los granjeros lo consideran una autentica plaga para los ganados. Depreda sobre las crias del ganado domestico y también crias de antilopes.
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Baboon is one of the most elusive preys you can find in Africa, a real challenge for the hunter. They are really clever, always alert… a difficult animal to get.
Los babuinos son animales muy listos y por ello muy complicados para el cazador, siempre estan alerta; y es por esto que pese a su escaso valor economico si tienen un importante valor cinegetico.
Baboon and leopard
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Rhino green hunt, a sustainable way to get resources from Rhino managenet in South Africa private properties.
White rhino populations are in real danger due to illegal poaching.
Black Rhino
Rhino foundation try to save rhinos all over the world. The only two increasing populations of rhinos, are in South Africa and Namibia, the two only countries where you can hunt rhinos. Hunters are saving rhino future.
The populations of black rhino are even smaller than the bigger white rhino.